Spanish Club
The purposes of Spanish Club are to promote linguistic and cultural opportunities to Spanish II , III, IV and V students. You have to pass Spanish I with a "C" average or better, to join this wonderful club. We participate in school and community activities and have a lot of school spirit and have a lot of fun. For next year, we will tentatively be doing the following activities:
- OCTOBER: Renaissance Festival west of Houston and Homecoming Parade
- NOVEMBER: Community activity for Thanksgiving
- DECEMBER: Christmas Party and Community activity
- JANUARY: Participate in Beauty Pageant and Mardi Gras Ball
- FEBRUARY: Scavenger Hunt
- MARCH: Prepare for Literary Rally competitions at MSU
- APRIL: Prepare for Literary Rally at LSU and Boy's Beauty Pageant
- MAY: End of the year blow out at Casa Ole'
Sponsor: Ms. M. Parker, Dr. Dougnac-Optiz, Mrs. Chavez